Lone Wolf Pack 04.1 - Bonded to His Werewolf Lover Page 2
"Too late now." Nate shrugged. "Maybe you can treat me next time."
His mate didn't immediately reply, and the uncertainty that had gradually faded throughout their conversation returned with a vengeance. "Unless... You don't want to... Have a next time, that is," Nate added, stealing a look at his mate's beautiful face.
Val's eyes widened. "That's not it. That's not it at all. I enjoyed myself a lot today."
"So did I," Nate replied with a smile.
Val fidgeted, looking uncomfortable. "The truth is... I don't really do this. I mean... Jumping into things. I don't have the best track record with... uh... relationships."
The human was obviously wary of calling their bond a relationship, and Nate could understand that, since it was far too soon. He debated over what he was about to say, then finally replied, "Some things are worth taking a chance for, but I don't want to push you. There's nothing I'd like more than to spend more time with you." He let out a self-deprecating laugh. "To be honest, I wish we didn't have to end our... date. Or whatever it was."
Val took a deep breath, as if bracing himself for something. He must have decided Nate was right, because he said, "Maybe we don't have to."
Just when Nate thought his mate couldn't surprise him anymore, Val went ahead and did exactly that. "What?"
Val licked his lips, his obvious nervousness an echo of the excitement Nate himself felt. "I... We could go someplace else. To my house, maybe."
There was no mistaking what those words meant. In a daze, hardly able to believe he could be so lucky, Nate nodded. "Yeah. I think I'd like that."
It was almost eleven pm when they reached the small house. Val and Nate—like the man had practically demanded to be called—had driven separately, but it had given Val just enough time to mentally flail at his behavior. What in the world was he doing? Why was he jumping into sex—because, yes, this was clearly what they were heading towards—with a man he didn't know?
He panicked up until the point when he parked in front of the house and got out of the car. He heard Nate follow his example and faced the other man, and just like that, the need that had urged him to suggest this returned with a vengeance. Well, it had never really faded away. Val had just been focusing on his panic instead. But when Nate looked at him and smiled... Nothing, not fear, not uncertainty, not self-denial could withstand that. Nate's smile was like Val's kryptonite.
Val retrieved his key and unlocked the front the door. He gestured his guest inside, the flutter in his belly no longer related to the thought that this might be a bad idea. Nate stepped into the house and released an appreciative hum. "This is nice. When did you say you were here last?"
Val closed the door behind himself and looked around the cozy living room. "Oh, it was a long time ago. The house has been empty for years, but I never had the time, or the heart to come here. Somehow, this time it felt right."
He couldn't have said why that was, why he'd picked this particular day to visit when he'd waited for so long without doing so, but whatever it had been, he could only congratulate himself for the idea.
His thought was confirmed moments later when Nate wrapped strong arms around him and pulled him close. "What about this, Val? Does this feel right?"
Val shivered at the husky tone of Nate's voice. He'd never thought his name could sound so sexy, on anyone's lips, but apparently, he'd been very mistaken. "You know it does," he replied, somehow managing not to stammer.
Whatever composure he'd preserved faded into nothing when Nate finally pressed their mouths together. After hours of teasing each other with platonic touches that promised more without really assuring Val of a result, the kiss was a God-send. And really, Val should have expected the man would be an amazing kisser, but somehow, when Nate thrust his tongue into his mouth, Val still went weak in the knees. Quite frankly, he didn't think anyone could have blamed him.
He melted against Nate's chest, moaning as the other man's flavor exploded on his taste buds. Perhaps he would have been embarrassed if Nate hadn't been right there with him, apparently just as desperate as Val felt.
Val didn't even know what was going on, and he didn't have time to figure out what Nate was doing. The world tilted, and suddenly, he was on his back on the couch, with Nate above him, still kissing the breath out of him. His fevered brain couldn't process how Nate had moved so quickly, but right then and there, it didn't matter. Nothing did, except feeding on Nate's mouth, breathing the air from Nate's lungs.
The couch wasn't very large, but that was fine with Val, since the cramped space encouraged the proximity between them. Even so, it wasn't enough. Val wrapped his arms around Nate's neck and tried to get even closer. He wanted to crawl into Nate, to wiggle his way into Nate's body—or better yet, have Nate buried inside him. He clawed at Nate's shoulders, struggling with the material of the other man's clothes. How was it that they were still dressed? It seemed ridiculous, and a problem that needed to be solved at once.
He couldn't quite figure out how to do that without having to break away from Nate, but his soon-to-be lover was more efficient. Val heard the distinctive sound of material ripping, and then, Nate was discarding his shirt on the floor. Val's followed, although it took some wiggling. For the most part, Val was too distracted by the expanse of bronze hot skin now exposed to him, and he couldn't help much. It only got harder when they actually had to take off their pants.
Nate slid his hand between their bodies and rubbed Val's groin, massaging Val's very interested cock. Unfortunately, the cramped space didn't allow them to attempt anything adventurous, and the caress was more of a tease than anything else. They would have to actually break apart and take things someplace else if they wanted to do more.
Despite that intellectual knowledge, Val still whined in protest when Nate separated their bodies. Nate didn't give him the chance to dwell on the disappointment. He grabbed Val and draped him over his shoulder, his big hand landing on Val's right buttock. "Bedroom. Where?"
The husky tone of Nate's voice had Val's head spinning. Or maybe it was the way Nate held him in. Not that it mattered. Val was more than thankful for the view—God, the man had a nice ass—and if Nate's tone was to be believed, he wouldn't spend too long in this position.
"Corridor," he managed to gasp out. "First door to the left."
Nate didn't delay in following Val's instructions. He stalked to the bedroom, moving so quickly Val's brain could barely process it. Maybe he was too hypnotized by the feel of Nate's heat, by Nate's strength and his scent. Either way, before he knew what was going on, Val landed on the mattress with a light bounce.
Val had just enough time to be thankful that his housekeeper had kept everything in pristine condition, and then Nate was on him, devouring his mouth. It was so good, so perfect, and yet it couldn't quite satisfy Val's rising need for Nate. Val released a frustrated huff, and Nate bit his lip in response. If it was meant to be a punishment, it didn't work. Val had never thought he was into pain, but the slight burn made his cock throb. He arched his back, seeking more of Nate's touches, more of the caresses, simply more.
To his credit, Nate seemed just as desperate. In a frustrating repeat of their earlier predicament, they still couldn't get enough of one another. Or maybe they actually required oxygen to survive—Val couldn't quite remember. Still, Nate broke their kiss and moved back, making Val even more aware of how much he burned for the other man.
He would have reached for Nate again, but something held him back. It was the look in Nate's eyes, so intense, so mesmerizing. Val couldn't quite describe it beyond the fact that it captivated him, the scorching heat in them having the strange effect of freezing him in place.
And then, Nate smiled at him, and the spell broke. Or maybe it twined around Val tighter. Val couldn't tell. He recovered the use of his vocal cords, and he expressed exactly what was on his mind. "Nate, please. Fuck me."
Impossibly, Nate's gaze seemed to get even hotter. He didn't reply, at l
east not through words, but Val didn't need sentences to understand Nate. The man's hands were suddenly on Val's body, reaching for his belt, tugging down his jeans and underwear. Val managed to toe off his shoes, but it was all a whirlwind, and things that shouldn't have happened so fast almost seemed instantaneous. Val's train of thought became disjointed, his reason surrendering to the sheer carnal rightness of what he and Nate shared.
Given everything Nate made him feel until now, he'd have thought he was ready for everything, but he wasn't, not by far. The moment Nate got him naked, the man lowered his mouth over Val's cock. Pleasure exploded over Val as wet heat surrounded his aching shaft. He fell back on the bed, his vision blurring, his attempts to encourage Nate so frantic he might have been embarrassed by them had his mind been able to process anything remotely similar to shame.
Nate didn't tease. He bobbed his head up and down Val's shaft, a man on a mission, as greedy for Val's orgasm as Val himself. The man's hunger for him couldn't possibly be mistaken for anything else, and Val felt it, in every cell of his body, in the way Nate's touch simply burned him.
When his orgasm came, it took Val completely by surprise. The pleasure simply built up, layer after layer of ecstasy drawn out of him by Nate's sinful mouth—and suddenly, it was all too much, too good, too overwhelming. Crying out his lover's name, Val buried his cock deep into Nate's mouth and fell over the edge.
By some miracle, he managed to stay conscious and was rewarded for this feat by the sight of Nate gulping down every single drop of his cum. If he hadn't just orgasmed, Val was pretty sure that view would have given him the extra push he needed for it. As it was, by the time Nate released his over-sensitive shaft with a wet pop, Val was already half-hard again.
Usually, after an orgasm, he wasn't particularly inclined to do anything more. He got off and that was it, nothing special, no fireworks. It wasn't that he didn't enjoy sex, but it had never made him feel like this. His body was lax with the slow burn of the afterglow, but at the same time, he still needed Nate, needed to feel the man inside him, fucking him, taking him, propelling that heat everywhere.
Nate must have been of a similar mind, because he licked his lips wickedly and spread Val's legs. Some of Val's brain cells started to work, and he managed to blurt out, "Condoms."
Nate froze and looked at Val like he didn't understand. The expression cleared Val's mind of some of the haze of lust. He hoped protection wouldn't be issue. Some gay men were really into bare-backing, even if it was dangerous—especially between people who'd just met. God, he should have known Nate was too perfect.
"Right," Nate said before Val could work himself into a real panic. "I... I think I have some."
Unlike Val, Nate hadn't taken off his jeans, so he rummaged through his pockets. Staring at Nate's trembling hands, Val felt guilty when he realized Nate was probably just as dazed as him. The condom thing had kind of broken the moment, and Val was again beginning to wonder at his own actions. After all, if Nate had forgotten this time around, maybe protection wasn't all that important to him.
Nate released a victorious sound as he finally retrieved a condom from his back pocket. He turned his attention on Val once more. Val wasn't ready for it, and his emotions must have shown on his face more than he'd have liked, because Nate's face fell. "Baby? What's wrong?"
Val wanted to explain. He opened his mouth to do just that, but the words didn't come out. He couldn't even pinpoint exactly why he was so unsettled, and that scared him even more.
As it turned out, silence was a reply in itself. "If... If you changed your mind, I understand," Nate whispered.
Val bit his lower lip. He didn't want to be a cock tease, and maybe he was making a mistake by not trusting Nate, but he hadn't had much luck with boyfriends in the past. They always used him, either for money, or for sex, and he'd already jumped into far more with Nate than he usually did.
He didn't have the courage to say all that, though, because he'd been the one to ask Nate here, and he was embarrassed by the fact that he was backing out at the last moment, when he'd already come. He was fairly certain there might be some sort of unwritten rule that said such behavior was simply not kosher.
Nate was still hard, so obviously the man's interest hadn't faded. An idea popped up in Val's head. He reached for Nate's jeans, deciding that he could at the very least give Nate a hand job after how good Nate had made him feel.
Before he could go through with his plan, though, Nate caught his wrists. "It's okay." Nate shook his head. "Don't."
Val's embarrassment increased even more. He remembered their conversation from the bar, thought about how well they'd clicked and mentally cursed. God, he'd really ruined this. Nate probably hated him now, as much as Val hated the awkwardness that had descended between them. And it was all because he couldn't get over his doubts. Fuck.
"Stop thinking so hard," Nate interrupted him from his mental rant. "There's no reason to rush into anything you're not ready for."
He didn't sound upset, not anymore. In fact, he was smiling gently. It made Val feel even worse, but it also burned a new decision inside him, one that shoved back his fear. He needed to show Nate how he felt. He'd already fucked this up so badly, but if he let things end this way, he would lose something that had the potential to become so much more. "I... I'm sorry. It's not sex I have a problem with. I told you my past romantic exploits haven't been brilliant. My last boyfriend simply wanted me to support his expense accounts." Before he could stop himself, he blurted out everything, all his insecurities, his pain and loneliness. It wasn't even something he intended, but it just came out naturally, like a flood. When he finished, he felt drained, but he finally dared to look at his lover. "I guess I don't trust easily."
He didn't know what reply he expected from Nate. After all, who would want someone with that much baggage? Instead of pushing him away, though, Nate gently cupped his cheek. "How about we try something different?"
"Something different?" Val repeated lamely.
"Yeah. Let me do this right." He brushed his lips over Val's forehead, then his cheek, his nose and his eyelids. "Let me take care of you. I want to wine and dine you, the whole thing. What do you say? Want to try?"
Val would have gaped if not for the way Nate's caresses were making him melt. "I'd like that. I don't live here, though," he mumbled. "It'll be hard."
"It's okay. Let me worry about that." Nate kissed his lips and pulled away. "I'm going to take that as a green light for my idea," he said as he reached for his shirt.
Val said nothing. This entire encounter had swept way past the point of his control and understanding, so he nodded. He didn't want Nate to go, he realized, but maybe it was better this way. Maybe Nate was right and they should try dating instead.
He managed to pull his jeans on too and led Nate to the door. "I'm sorry about this," he whispered as Nate stepped outside the house.
"You don't have to be." Nate's grin was honest and open. "Just make sure you're ready tomorrow at eight. I'm coming to pick you up. Got it?"
Nate's enthusiasm was infectious, so Val forgot to feel any sort of apprehension. "I'll be waiting," he said with a smile of his own.
He was still smiling when he returned to his bed and slid under the sheets that still smelled like Nate. So maybe this wasn't ideal. It would have been better to fall asleep in Nate's arms. But in the long run, this could be good for them. This could be a step forward for a real relationship, to finally have something Val had always craved for. Yes, it was worth it to wait. At the end of the day, it would pay off.
Chapter Two
A month later
Nate passed a nervous hand through his hair and stole a glimpse at the clock for the nth time in the past minutes. Still half an hour to go until Val was supposed to arrive for their date. He took a sip of water and sighed.
He'd given a lot of thought on how to tell his mate about his nature. He hadn't tried to have sex with Val ever since that first night, and he knew his mate fe
lt somehow apprehensive about that. Val had deep-rooted insecurities that went even beyond what he'd told Nate that first night. Val's position and upbringing had caused quite a number of assholes to approach him, and their lies and gold-digging ways predictably made Val wary of anyone new and sabotaged his self-esteem. Nate had been very tempted to track those bastards down, but his mate was more important than them.
And so, Nate had done his best to assure his mate of his genuine feelings, and it usually worked—when they were together. In between their dates, though, Val tended to over-think things, and often his doubts would rear their ugly head. He tried to hide it behind a mask of normalcy, but Nate saw past it.
Today was their one-month anniversary, and Nate knew he had to be honest with his mate if he wanted to keep their relationship. He picked up the bouquet of wildflowers from the seat next to him and stared at them, uncertain. Maybe something more traditional would have been better. Roses. Orchids. Moon be blessed, Nate wasn't used to getting flowers for anyone, but he'd followed his heart with the wildflowers. What if his mate didn't like them?
Oh, who was he kidding? The wildflowers weren't the issue here. He was going to tell Val he wasn't human, for crying out loud. If something was going to be a deal breaker, that would definitely be it.
Nate shook himself and focused on getting his heart and his breathing under control. This was stupid. They loved each other. Besides, he couldn't hide the truth from Val forever. He might not carry STDs or any human diseases for that matter, but that didn't mean their having sex couldn't bring consequences. The Simmons family was notorious for knocking up their very male and very human mates, and Nate didn't know if a condom could prevent it or not. He'd been an idiot to even consider intercourse that day, but he definitely would not make the same mistake twice.
He was still musing over how to approach the issue when he felt his mate's approach. His wolf perked up inside him and he had the urge to meet Val half-way but he didn't. He waited patiently—or at least, as patiently as he could.